Food & Beverage Modifiers
Sanjar avatar
Written by Sanjar
Updated over a week ago

Now you can modify your Product!
Add toppings, add-on's or any other extra options for customizable orders.

Just navigate to the Products and select the product you need to modify.
Open the product and scroll down to Add modifier group
Add the modifier group title and Save

NOTE: Modifier groups can only be enabled if you have at least one active modifier inside the group

Open the modifier group to add:

  • Modifier details

  • Additional price if needed

  • Min and Max qty of selected modifiers.
    If the selection is optional, the Min should be none. Otherwise, setting a Min qty will make the selection required.

You also can add modifier to remove specific things from products. For example remove onion from the Burger.

Modifiers give customers the ability to customize the product for better service. Customers can select modifiers on the product page and the price will be automatically added to the total.

NOTE: Modifier group can be applicable for various products. For both modifier groups and modifiers, you can either create a new one or search for an existing one and apply it.

To delete the modifier, please open the Group and select the modifier > tap on Delete.
To delete the Group of modifiers, please open the group and tap on Options on the top right and click Delete.

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