Now you can connect Custom Domain with Shopboxo PRO subscription!
After connecting PRO subscription, on your Home tab please tap on Get a Free Domain
You will see the search field and suggested domain names.
Search for the available domain name and tap Continue
Custom domain name can be selected only ONCE, and can't be changed after the connection.
Not all domain names are available in Shopboxo. If you can't find your domain name on the list, most probably it's not available to connect it.
Please select the name from the list.
After this step you will see confirmation page. Here you just need to tap Connect.
Automatic setup in 15 minutes
Old URL will keep working. Customers will be automatically redirected to the new domain. But we suggest you to update the URL in social media or anywhere you shared.
If you running the Food&Beverage store, you will need to re-generate the QR codes.
Confirm the connection and wait till your custom domain will be integrated.
It usually takes 15 min, but in some cases can take up to 24 hrs.
If it takes more than 24 hrs, please reach out support: Account tab > Support
When set up is in progress you will see this page
After the successfully domain name set up, you will see updated online store URL on you Home tab